MMBCC News - 1 November 2012

Hi Everyone,


Mountain Biking

There was a buzz in the air on Monday night – and it wasn’t just the mosquitos at Riflebutts Reserve. 32 people lined up to race in the handicap race and with a flurry of excitement (and dust!), the race was on.


Sibling rivalry was at its best with Dan and Tom MacMunn chasing each other around the track, almost side-swiping Bella MacMunn on one of the corners – luckily the duty team and onlookers were there to keep them in check (with loud cheers and heckling!). Unnerved, Bella stayed strong and had the last laugh by finishing in the top five. The evening was filled with inter-family competitiveness with Matthew Empey racing against Kate Empey, Rod and Aaron Sargent battling it out until Rod had a mechanical, the Greenway’s powering ahead, along with the Grundy’s, and the Lachal’s also going strong with a team of four racing on the night.


Yully decided to have a pit-stop on every lap after constantly dropping his chain by getting some ‘mad air’ on the jump, pleasing the spectators.


It was a close handicap and very exciting for onlookers. New-comer Glenn Peck raced well along with Ava Kappes, Adrian Lawrence, Brett Stevens, Ben Annear and Kate Empey, all finishing in the top ten. Well done to April Lachal on taking first place, she will definitely be one to watch as the season progresses. Ewan’s “sandbagging” tactics in an earlier race worked, securing him with second, and after his relaxing holiday Flynn Bowker raced well to take third place.


It was great to see more new faces at the Monday night races. If you would like to join in the action make sure you register by 8pm Sunday night to Tom MacMunn 0428 327 763, to assist us with handicapping. 


Duty team for Monday 5th November: Rob Greenway, Rachael Grundy, Cam Lachal (Bunting)







