MMBCC News 6 September

AGM wrap-up
Many thanks to all who attended the AGM at The Produce Store last month; and thanks to all that put their names down for the different sub-committees.
Congratulations to our new Treasurer, Tony Williams, who is the only addition to the existing Executive (many thanks again to Julie Dolling, our outgoing Treasurer.)
Congratulations also to Kian Lerch-Mackinnon and Hayden Fletcher, the 2015 Rider Development Grant recipients.
We'll soon have the minutes up on the website so you can check out all the details.

Simon selected
Simon Gerrans has been selected to race the World Championships, at Richmond, Virginia, USA, on Sunday 27 September. Click here for details.
SBS will announce their broadcast details shortly.

Yarck to Yea
Next Sunday 12 September will see a charity ride along the Great Victorian Rail Trail for 27km from Yarck (meeting at the Giddy Goat Cafe) to Yea (the old railway station) raising funds for the John Wallis Foundation.
Ride starts at 10am with Registration open from 9am. There are also shorter Run and Walk options. Or click here to register online.

Bright Junior Camp
The MTBA Junior Camp is on again at Bright from Friday 25 to Sunday 27 September. It's open to all mountain bikers between 13 and 17 years old. For more information, please contact Jason Parker.

New club website
Hopefully, this will be the last Latest News you'll get to read on this old website. The new site is almost ready! It will have all the details of the upcoming MTB and Road Race season calendars.
If you have any new-ish photos you think might look good on the new site, please contact Bruce.

CV Challenge Series
Cycling Victoria have already started promoting their Seight Challenge Series for the summer… and it has a significant change. What we think is the best of the rides, the Whittlesea Challenge, has now moved date to November.
Here are the details of all the series.

GreenEDGE Winery Ride
On the weekend following the Whittlesea Challenge is another of our favourites, the GreenEDGE Winery Ride. This is a beauty!

How to look good on the bike
Finally, here are a few good tips on how to look good on the bike from Mark Cavendish's Sports Director at Etixx-QuickStep, Brian Holm. "Rule #7: Avoid sleeveless cycling jerseys at all costs" works very well for me. But I'm also keen on "Rule #9: Don’t look like a triathlete".
Click here to read the full article on Cycling Tips.