G'day Everyone!
"If you think nobody cares whether you're alive or dead, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.!" Anon.
Graded Scratch this Thursday
A bit of a change coming up for this Thursday night. Instead of just the usual A, B, C and D grades, we're also going to experiment with a Women's Grade!
So, A, B, C and D grades will be for blokes only … the girls will get their own grade.
The race will be shortened slightly. Start is still at the Botanic Park, finish is still on Graves Road; but we'll now turn around on the Whitfield Road at Long Lane (we won't go all the way out to Bridge Creek.)
Entries still need to be in by SMS to John on 0428 503 437 by 8pm on Wednesday night.
More on Thursday ...
This Thursday the Deck are hosting us for dinner and also the opening night of the Beyond the Studio Door life drawing exhibition. All MMBCC members are invited to have a look at the exhibition before, during or after dinner.
Nine artists will present work in life drawing over a range of mediums. It should be really interesting. Artists include: Pam Moore, Kym Stubbs, Debra Paterson, Kristina Alstegren, Anton Costantino, Karen Pirie, Jenny Gibney, Billie Pridham and Wendy Jagger.
There is also a rumour going around that some of the artists will be there and looking for life drawing models for the next series!
Who wants to play Doctors and Nurses?
Keep an eye out around town for the new flyer (click here) for the M2M dinner dance. Word has it that Rossy volunteered to model for it but this was vetoed by all the Courier staff! Even the life drawing exhibitors turned him down!
The Mansfield Murray to Moyne Cycle relay Team will be holding a Dinner Dance on Saturday the 26th of March 2011. 7.30pm at the Mansfield Golf Club with all profits going to the Mansfield District Hospital.
Tickets are $25 per head which includes live band ‘The Strap Ons’ and supper. Drinks at bar prices.
Come dressed as your favourite Doctor or Nurse and enjoy a night of fun and frivolity as we dance, cheer on our favourite ant and perhaps buy a slave at the slave auction!!
Contact Mark Ross on 0427 753 037 to book your ticket now!
MMBCC Recreational Ride - Sunday 27 March
Starts 10.00am. Lunch at Lakeside Hotel, Jamieson.
Four distance options:
25km - Hotel to Kevington and back.
33km - Howqua Inlet to Kevington, then to Lakeside Hotel.
55km - Mansfield to Jamieson, then Eildon Road climb and back to hotel.
90km - Mansfield to Jamieson, then Eildon Road climb and back to hotel; then back to Mansfield after lunch!
Hints 'n' Tips - Race craft and etiquette
Probably time for another reminder on race and bunch riding. It is your responsibility to learn and understand about race craft and etiquette. You have an obligation to ride in a responsible and predictable manner. There are no exceptions ... not for anybody!
And don't forget … accidents cost! There's the potential loss of income to the injured, not to mention the cost to replace and/or repair expensive equipment.
So here are a few hints and tips we should all know and race by.
Groups that start together on a Thursday need to ride more like a team.
- Think of a Handicap race as a Team Time Trial (we've had a few of these this season) until 200m before the finish.
- Be responsible for each other's safety.
- Be aware of the wind and the direction it's coming from. Which direction should you be doing turns?
- Look out for each other … it can be almost as enjoyable to get a 'team-mate' up for a win.
Be predictable.
- HOLD YOUR LINE, no sudden changes of direction.
- Keep your momentum CONSISTENT. Hint: notice how someone in front who stands up tends to 'go backwards' for a moment. Practice the 'skill' of standing up to accelerate without losing momentum.
- CHOOSE THE RIGHT GEAR. Hint: if you're in too large a gear when you stand, your bike will more easily 'sway' and move sideways … REALLY dangerous in a bunch! Too low a gear and you'll lose momentum too quickly.
- SIGNAL if there's a hazard on the road ahead. Those behind you can't easily see past you!
Be 'space-conscious'.
- Follow the wheel ahead but DON'T 'OVERLAP' it!. if you overlap wheels and the rider in front suddenly moves across, he'll take your wheel! This is really important when it's windy.
- Make each other aware of approaching groups. Hint: when you get to the back of your group, drop back a metre or two to give yourself the space to look behind you safely. Then keep your group informed.
- When you catch a slower group, let them know you're approaching.
- If a faster group is approaching (and remember, you'll be looking behind for them and they'll let you know they're coming!) make sure you allow them space to overtake safely!
All normal road rules apply to bunch riding and racing.
- The only time you can drive a car on the wrong side of the road is to overtake if it's safe. A bike is no different.
- The only time you should be riding on the wrong side of the road in a race … ever … is when your group is overtaking a slower group. And even then, only when there's no other option.
If you feel your skills aren't up to scratch in any of these areas, you need to practice a more. Making our rides and races safer will make them more enjoyable for you and everyone else.
Last week of discounted SHCCC entries
Today is the last day I can accept the discounted MMBCC entries to the SHCCC. After that, life just gets a bit too busy for me. To qualify, you need to have a full set of MMBCC kit to wear for one of the SHCCC rides.
If you've just ordered kit from Shannon, or you already have a full set, you can enter the SHCCC for $75 (yes, you'll get the SHCCC jersey!) You need to email me to get the discount and if you want more info on the rides, visit www.shccc.com.au
That's all for now … see you out there.
Bruce Halket